Tips for Throwing a Goodbye Party with Friends

Whether your moving to a new city to take up an exciting job, start college and study abroad, or want to have a change in scenery, saying goodbye to your friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors is never easy and always a bittersweet moment.

To make parting with friends easier, throwing a goodbye party is a must-do and the best way to tell them how much they mean to you. But throwing a going-away party can be stressful. You want to make sure that your farewell party will be memorable. What do you do?

Here are some tips for throwing a goodbye party with your friends.

1.    Make a Game Plan

Think about the time and location you want to have the party. Think about the food and drinks you will serve and any entertainment you will provide. Figure out how you will keep your guests entertained between games or during breaks in the conversation.

Decide whether there will be anything special that needs to happen when everyone leaves, like giving hugs before they go or having them sign a guestbook. It is important that people feel emotionally attached to this event so make sure those details are executed properly.

2.    Decide Who to Invite

This can be a tough decision since some people are more fun than others and may bring a different energy to the party. Try not to invite any friends who are on bad terms with each other, as this will only make things worse and ruin everyone’s good time.

If possible, try to invite people who have been through some type of trauma together. This way, they’ll feel comfortable around one another and won’t feel awkward because everyone else knows what happened in their life.

3.    Create a Guest Book

You can write down their names, favorite memories with them, and what you will miss about them. You can also include what you will miss about your party or city.

This is a great way to get in touch with your emotions and share this special day with others who care about you. This will help everyone feel like they were part of something bigger than themselves when saying goodbye.

4.    Let Them Know You Miss Them Already

You can also show your friends how much you miss them. If you have any of their favorite things, or even if they just like something in general, send it along with a note explaining why it’s important to you. Or if you’re feeling particularly sentimental, write a letter that reminisces on your friendship and how far apart the two of you have grown since high school.

5.    Prepare a Short Speech

Of course, because this might be your last opportunity to speak to each other in person, it doesn’t hurt to say a few words at some point throughout the celebration. So why not share a few hilarious highlights from the last few years that perhaps nobody else was aware of before, making the party even more cheerful? Tell your friends how much you value your relationship and raise a toast to an exciting new journey in a new city.

With these tips, you can throw a goodbye party that your friends will remember for years.


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